SSL certificate verification


hcpsdk doesn’t verify SSL certificates presented by HCP, per default.

For the case that SSL certificate verification is desired, hcpsdk allows to do so without excessive effort:

  • Make sure the SSL certificate presented by HCP contains the IP addresses (!) of all HCP nodes as Subject Alternative Names.
  • Create an SSL context and assign it to the Target object during creation. Each Connection created using that Target will automatically inherit the SSL context.

Here are some hints:

  • This example creates an SSL context with the recommended security settings for client sockets, including automatic certificate verification against the system’s trusted CA store:

     >>> context = ssl.create_default_context()
     >>> auth = hcpsdk.NativeAuthorization('n', 'n01')
     >>> t = hcpsdk.Target('n1.m.hcp1.snomis.local', auth,
                          port=443, sslcontext=context)
  • Alternatively, you can create an SSL context that verifies certificates against a local CA file:

     >>> context = ssl.create_default_context(cafile='myCA.pem')
     >>> auth = hcpsdk.NativeAuthorization('n', 'n01')
     >>> t = hcpsdk.Target('n1.m.hcp1.snomis.local', auth,
                           port=443, sslcontext=context)

If you want to have more control about the protocol and/or the cipher suites in use, follow the Python documentation about SSL context creation.